When you budget and plan a trip to Disney World there’s lots to think about – like which bags you want to buy. Planning and budgeting with a guide specifically for UK Disney visitors helps you to choose what matters to you, for your trip.
This guide will help you work though everything you need to know to budget for your trip.
The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting for Disney World for UK visitors
Plan and budget before booking: 5 easy steps
Working through the following 5 questions is key to working out what your Disney World plan and budget will look like. Creating your own unique plan and budget is easy with our in-depth guides helping you answer our 5 top questions.
When should I visit?
Disney World Weather: what Brits can expect month-by-month
Where should I stay?
For a detailed dive into this question head over to our accommodation guides.
How long should I visit for?
It’s a long flight across the Atlantic, but only you know the answer of how long your perfect trip will be. Taking into consideration your own time constraints, such as term times, annual leave, and costs should help you work out the best length of holiday for you.
What kind of park ticket should I get?
The best type of park ticket for UK guests visiting Disney is most likely the UK exclusive Magic Ticket.
How much will it cost?
The cost of a Disney World holiday includes many factors. Taking into consideration the cost of your holiday you need to include accommodation, flights, transport, food and park tickets.
Disney dining plans
Disney Dining Plan: is it worth it for UK Visitors, includes costings
When you can answer these questions, and you have the cash, you’re good to book it.
Planning beyond booking
For a non-Disney holiday planning and budgeting would be complete after booking with an extra hour’s research with a cup of tea. Excursions and days sorted. For a Disney holiday, that isn’t the case. You can wing it and not plan your days. Lots of people will have a look of horror right now, at us even suggesting that, but you can. We did it, once. We think you will still have a magical time. That’s why we have our ‘Don’t plan Disney; just go with the magic’ guide, for those of you who just can’t face planning.
Planning beyond booking is part of the Disney trip for most of us. (Yes, we plan most times). Having an itinerary, knowing how to use the systems and maximise your trip add-ons will help you to get the most value and enjoyment from your trip. It’s also less stressful when you get to Disney to have a plan and some knowledge to experience the magic.
Best time to Visit Animal Kingdom
What to budget for after booking your holiday
After you book your Disney World holiday you need to budget for the adventure ahead. Our guides will help you budget for spending money, food options, including dining plans, and extra experiences.
How UK Guests can maximise Disney Dining Plans
Ultimate money saving guide to resort refillable mugs
UK Comparisons: Helpful planning tools
This is our section where we get to geek out a bit and share comparisons, not that there really is anything like Disney here in the UK, with you. At Disney World every size, location, style, and any other reference is to an American comparison. All the Disney sites just churn out the same, so we never really get an accurate expectation.
This makes planning and budgeting hard when you are trying to work out whether an experience is value for money, how to pack for comfort, and if you are even going to enjoy it. Having a UK equivalent helps the stress levels, especially for first-time Disney visitors.
That changes in these guide articles, where we take the US Disney stats and find UK equivalents. Enjoy!
Planning Disney World with UK theme park comparisons
Head here next
Now you’ve done the budgeting and the planning, it’s time to book the trip to Disney. Our booking guide page will help you with information about your booking options. Head there next to find out more.